Worth Someone

You deserve someone

Who loves you

You deserve something 

That’s true

You’re worth more

Then the bottom of the pile

Someone who beams with a smile 

When you walk through the door 

You’re not just there 

For a drunken cuddle 

Or just someone to deeply care

When things start to muddle

They have too much on

And they will drop you

As if you are not enough

Unless your something useful 

You’re worth more

You’re worth commitment

A place in someone’s life

Not someone’s resistance

To give you their spare time

You’re worth more then the leftovers

From a previous relationship

Recieving the minimum 

That might as well be a friendship 

You’re worth existence

To be mentioned in their life

You are magnificent 

You’re worth being someone’s wife

You’re a good person

Worthy of desire

Not just an activity

As and when required 

You’re worthy of kind words

Positive affirmations

To be heard

Have a stable foundation 

You’re worth someone 

Who wants you

You’re not just no one

Not just something to do

Why are you waiting

For them to put you first

Why are you expecting

To soon be over the worst

It wasn’t there from the beginning

They’ve repeatedly shown you

You’re not worth winning

It’s always

I can’t be that for you right now

But that is a choice 

And you think that will change somehow?

You’re a half way point

From their ex

Once they’ve recovered

They’ll look for the next

They won’t give you what you need

Because they’ve already given it

You see

Please do something smarter 

Let go of thinking

You’ll soon have your happily ever after 

Stop making excuses for them

You’ve had to beg and plead 

Made to feel guilty and a problem 

To get a fraction of what you need

There is no it will get better

Or see how it goes 

You’re just not their forever

And everyone knows 

If they truly cherished you

You wouldn’t be sat here crying

Over someone who

Isn’t really trying

It sounds harsh 

Buts it’s been a year

Nothing had changed 

You’re still having fears

I know you’ve been there

Supporting through the worst

But it’s not been appreciated

And someone else will see your worth

What you are asking for 

Should come naturally

So stop asking for more

Because it won’t happen eventually 

Listen to Grandma 

For she knows best 

She can’t watch you continue 

To be treated as less

You Assaulted Me

You assaulted me

How dare are you 

You are a fiend

You are the devil

I was happy

I was content

But you decimated me

With evil intent

You are disgusting

You are abhorrent

You are nothing

You are horrid

I was discarded I was ostracized

From what you started

From your lies

How do you sleep at night Well I suppose

I should have put up a fight

should have broke your nose

But I’m shaken

And traumatised

From what you’ve taken

I cannot deny

I’m paranoid

I’m too scared to trust

I need to perform

But I’m crumbling to dust

I have to be stoic

I have to excel

But I’m scared I’ll blow it

I’m scared I’ll fail

Please release me

From this fear

Please save me

From what is here

Gentle Love

I still love you

I wish this could have been


I still want you

I wish I could hold you

This instant

I tried to give you 

Everything you deserve

My feelings for you

Are forever reserved

This pain

This heartache

The shame

That partakes

How I’m going to miss

Saying good morning 

How I’m going to miss

Saying good night

You entered my life

And loved me deeply 

Awkened feelings and trust 

That I don’t give freely

And then when I was ready To love again

You took my heart

And smashed it instead

To know that my love

My care and gentle nature 

Was not enough for you

To know that I’m not enough

To have a place in your adventure 

To have a space beside you

I love you so much 

But for you I was just lust 

I adore you so much 

But to you I was mere dust 

My motivation for life itself

Has been taken away

I no longer feel joy

Or excitement for coming each day

How I wish I could go back in time

And do things differently 

To when we were fine

When everything was merry

This parting is painful

It hurts to breathe 

To know my efforts were wasteful 

As you dropped me to leave

When you left 

You stole a piece of me

I need to accept 

I’m not what you need

Please simply know

I just wanted to love you

Even if that means letting go

Please simply know

I just wanted to take care of you

And fill you with happiness and hope

I’m sorry I couldn’t be that person 

I tried so hard

But I suppose that will be a lesson 

As we start to part

I wish you all the best

From the bottom of my chest

But my feelings for you

Haven’t changed

If I may confess


It still haunts me

The memories 

Tucked away

In the back of my mind

It still haunts me

The shuddering dreams violently 

Rising up from my spine

I can’t remember 

But my body does

It says surrender

You were never loved

Hope feels so far 

Just out of reach

Just behind the stars

Or a thousand feet

Forever stretching 

Towards something better

But for some reason 

Just never getting there 

A hand print 

From the past 

Forever linched

As an outcast

The wanting to be more

But still never enough

The deep and empty core

A void of absent love

Present but unseen

Hesitant from the obscene 

Cursed from what was before

No matter how much one ignores

The life I’ve left behind 

But that life hasn’t left me 

Everything seems to be fine 

But still I cannot see

Looking for an opening

Or a sign

To feel loved and welcomed

To enter inside 

But there is nothing

Nothing in the distance Just grey, darkening 


Everyone belongs somewhere 

Everything has a place

But I seem to have nowhere 

Or atleast that seems to be the case

How I wish to stop wondering

And look to find some roots

How I wish to stop pondering 

My tragic lost youth 

Trying to remain positive 

That one day I will be found

But if I am to be realistic 

It won’t be safe and sound

How I crave deep meaningful love

But it seems to be a mirage 

Like chasing the sun into the dusk

I’m anxious and terrified 

It’s like everything I touch 

Runs and hide 

I sense the subtle change

You say we’re okay

But my brain doesn’t say the same

How I wish I could grab the thoughts 

From within my skull

The ones that wreak havoc

Deep within my soul

I’m trying my absolute hardest

To maintain my mental health

But it seems well being is at its farthest

Dropped deep within a well

My fragile heart is pleading 

Please don’t shatter me

Please don’t leave me bleeding

It’s already been through plenty

I can’t trust 

But I trust you

I can’t love

But I love you 

Please don’t hurt me

Because my heart is already bruised

Yet even if you drop me

I will still always love you

Make It Go Away

What do I need to do

In order to make it stop
What do I have to say
To make it go away
How can I sleep tonight
When everytime I close my eyes
All I see are distressing sights
How do I say that I’m sorry
That I didn’t mean to hurt you
Or do the things I did
that I wish were not true
I’m haunted by these memories
They will not leave me
Every waking hour is filled
With these monstrosities
The pain, the abuse
It’s ruining my life
Your evil planted roots
Are chastising my mind
Your onslaught of screams
Your vicious venom
Your hateful schemes
Please rid me of them
It’s replaying
over and over again
In my mind
I need it to end
I cannot take it anymore
I want to rip my mind out
It’s causing an internal war
I want to destroy myself
I want to claw at my head
My brain is an abusive cell
but I want to be its friend
The nightmares are deplorable
The daymares are even worse
I just want to be normal
But I feel I might be cursed
Please save me
From what was
Please aid me
In my lost cause

Do You Remember That Time By The Lake?

We walked by the lake
As I held your hand
I asked you a question that made
You shake
It made you feel grand
Will you be my Grandad?
I asked, in need of a friend
Of course you said
Until the very end
Life wasn’t good
But you were
And you did what you could
And much more
Now years later
After years of being a family
You developed Dementia
And though I see you rarely
When I do
The same worry enters
Your face
Each time we’re together
You always say
Do you remember
The time we were at the lake?
When you held my hand
And asked me to be your grandad?
And I said I’d love to?
Do you still want me to be?
As I reply of course I do
You respond with simply
Please don’t shut me out
Please don’t leave the family
Please don’t have doubts
Please don’t stop talking to me
The worry enters your face
Everytime you see me
This question takes place
Everytime we meet
But each time
With a smile and a hug
I say we’ll always be fine
Don’t worry about such stuff
You’ll always be my Grandad
And I’ll always be your Grandaughter
There’s no need to be sad
Come lets walk by the water


I remember all the times

We’d sit and watch the telly
We’d forget about our crimes
And pretend we were a family
But then one day I realised
You didn’t want me
So stayed up most nights and cried
Until the day you disowned me
I felt like life was so wrong
As Depression cast it’s spell
I stayed in the grey for so long
I didn’t realise my life was the cell
I couldn’t connect with people
So I tried to connect with objects
This turned out to be lethal
So I threw away all my assets
I thought I found love
But it was just another user
Once they’ve taken enough
They leave in one maneuver
At least thats what
Depression says
I just feel so lost
Trying to find my way
My life has taken an empty
And everyone just feels the same
No one really has any
It’s just all one big game
Nothing really matters
In the grand scheme
Of things
The general latter
Just seem
I spend a lot of time Listening
As people start to tell
Yet all I’m really hearing
Is talk focused on themselves
No one seems to get it
Just small talk from blind minds
Everyones talking shit
On how they’re so devine
I don’t seem to care
Everyone around me
Just emits noise
Nothing seems to matter
People are just using speech
As a decoy
My optimism is
Starting to decay
Just leaving bitterness
Realising people just blame
I’m turning into everything
I just wrote about
My emotions are blinding
My mind now
I don’t know anything
I don’t know who to trust
Or what to believe
It all seems so simple in
My mind
I’m trying so hard to be
But I see and understand
A lot more
Then people comprehend
And everything in life
Is due to fade
In the end

Only For An Hour

I don’t want to be here

I’m sick of breathing
I’m sick of fear
All I’m doing is grieving
Every moment
I wish was my last
Every footstep
Feels like glass
The pain is unreal
Yet I feel nothing
I’m just trying to heal
But I can’t stop suffering
Self medicating
With whatever I can find
Fuck meditating
I’ll just drink the wine
Popping painkillers
Like they’re sweets
Take them with tequila
And faint on my sheets
Anything to numb
The pain
Anything to run
From shame
The emotions
Swirling and turning
In my brain
The commotion
Of burning is surging
Through my vains
Nothing makes sense
But everything seems pointless
Death has a stench
And fighting is fruitless
Let the cocodomal
Put me to sleep
I can feel it working now
And in an hour or so
The pain will deplete
It’s temporary, I’m not proud
I just need something
To fill this void
I know it’s passing
Just don’t be annoyed
We’ve all got our
So don’t be sour
It’s not heroin
And it’s only for an hour
Just don’t think
Just don’t feel
Just be still
And let it heal

If I Was Them

Would you want me more

If I looked like them
Would you look at me in ore
If I was like them
Would I be on your mind
If I was that kind of girl
Would you keep pictures
Of me and show me off
If I looked like those girls
Would you keep photos
Of me
Like you do of them
Would you make me significantly
Like you do your friends
So people know you’re actually with me
Or atleast pretend
There isn’t a time that isn’t clearer
When I look into the mirror
And realise I will never be that
For years I held that
For months I never said
Because you tell me
It’s for inspiration instead
So I held the pain
And cried in vain
And I shouldn’t care
Because you can’t force one
To look at you in that way
No touch nor hold
Or loving my body
Feeling cold
Like nobody wants me
But I still dare
To dream on
That it will happen one day
But until then
I’ll simply let myself
Grandma sees the
When she sits and has to hear
That I’m trying to alter my body
For all the wrong reasons
So for once someone can hold
me and think, wow you’re magnificent
But over time acceptence
Has it’s way
Even with resistence
The feeling will start to fade
As it will never happen
And people don’t change
It’s been a year
And it’s still the same
And it won’t matter anymore
And things will never be
Like what they were before
It won’t be so sore
So painful
That you wish you were more
Father wanted me to find
Someone who thinks I’m perfect
Now he’s worried I will be left
And left stranded
I’m not good enough
I hear it everywhere
Trying too much
I’m feeling despair
All I do is
Cry and
Cry and
Cry and
I’m lost
And I don’t know what to do
Mother earth please guide
Me through